What is Standard Hours Earned in Garment Manufacturing?
Let me explain what does ‘Standard Hours Earned’ mean.
This is similar to Standard Minute Produced by workers. Instead of minutes it is presented in hours. To get Standard hours earned value, standard minutes are divided by 60. Like, if an operator works for 8 hours a day and produce garment equivalent to 360 minutes then operator’s standard hours earned would be 6 hours (This is derived from: 360 minutes/60).
Formula for calculating standard hours earned:
Standard hours Earned = (SAM of operation X Garments produced)/60
This term is also called as Earned Hours because operator has earned that many hours by his/her effort.
Benefit of using Standard Earned Hours
- Easy to compare produced hours against available hours in a day (efficiency)- Secondly calculating earning amount (in Dollar) of an operator from earning hours is easy as you know standard hourly rate of your operators.
Also See: How to Calculate Standard Hours Earned, Operator Efficiency and Labour Cost?
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